Gold’s Gym Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: In this post I will give you a glimpse inside
of this resort town's most reliably hardcore bodybuilding gym.
When It Began
I first set foot inside of Gold’s Gym Myrtle Beach in early July 2012. I was vacationing in town with my family and knew instinctively that if I were going to achieve muscle greatness, I couldn’t miss an intense workout.I did an Internet browse for bodybuilding gyms in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and naturally Gold’s Gym was the first result that was displayed on my computer monitor.
It was settled. I was
going to buy a Red Bull and a gallon of purified water from the local grocery
store and hit the weights at Gold’s Gym Myrtle Beach. I was anxious to crush some serious weights
as I hadn’t lifted in a “commercial” gym in a long, long time.
The sun was blazing on that hot July day as I pulled into
the small parking lot of 951 Jason Blvd. Myrtle Beach. I walked into the building with a large,
prominent Gold’s Gym sign hanging above the front door and exchanged
pleasantries with the lady at the front desk.
After signing in and turning over a crisp ten-dollar bill for my daily visit, I asked if the use of chalk was permitted in the weight room. I explained that, as a guest, I wished to be respectful of management, the owners and members of the gym and adhere to their policies. The young lady chuckled and said, “Of course you can use chalk. This is Gold’s Gym isn’t it?” Fair enough.
After signing in and turning over a crisp ten-dollar bill for my daily visit, I asked if the use of chalk was permitted in the weight room. I explained that, as a guest, I wished to be respectful of management, the owners and members of the gym and adhere to their policies. The young lady chuckled and said, “Of course you can use chalk. This is Gold’s Gym isn’t it?” Fair enough.
I made my way past the small cardio area and into a weight
room that looked like it came right out of the documentary Pumping Iron. I immediately felt my testosterone levels
spike as this gym had all the makings of a hardcore, old school bodybuilding
I looked around the weight room in awe and admired the dozens of framed pictures of the world’s best bodybuilders, many of them autographed.
I looked around the weight room in awe and admired the dozens of framed pictures of the world’s best bodybuilders, many of them autographed.
The Workout
Without wasting any more time, I got right to work. I selected some eardrum-piercing heavy metal
music on my Ipod and jumped right in. My
plan was to do a little bench work along with some heavy triceps

I carried the 150 pounders over to
my bench, put on the hardest heavy metal song I had and chalked my hands.
The Confrontation
As I took hold of the dumbbells, I could see a man’s shoes on
the floor about a foot to the left of the dumbbells.
Knowing that I would likely knock this poor soul out while hoisting those bad boys into position, I glanced up with the intention of suggesting that the man stand aside before his day got ruined. Before I could utter a word, the man’s finger was in my face and he was obviously speaking very sternly to me.
Knowing that I would likely knock this poor soul out while hoisting those bad boys into position, I glanced up with the intention of suggesting that the man stand aside before his day got ruined. Before I could utter a word, the man’s finger was in my face and he was obviously speaking very sternly to me.

I stood up and basically told the guy to go fly a kite. Instead of taking my suggestion, he continued on his rant about the evils of the white powdery substance known as gym chalk.
We exchanged a few heated words and I quickly realized that I was arguing with former Mr. South Carolina bodybuilding champion Tedd Capp, owner of Gold’s Gym Myrtle Beach.
Story Time With a Champion
Words of anger turned into story time. We exchanged personal accounts of
bodybuilding and powerlifting competition, the current state of both sports and
our relationships with mutual acquaintances.
Tedd Capp |
I've visited Gold’s Gym Myrtle Beach on five occasions since
then. Each time I was warmly greeted by
Tedd and his wife, Nancy, and enjoyed some truly intense workouts, sans
If you happen to be in Myrtle Beach, stop in and visit Ted
and Nancy at Gold’s Gym Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
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