
Your Fat Loss Plan Simplified

Fat loss dieting is quite simple, and it does not need to be a major challenge. In fact, when done right, weight loss motivation can remain high, you can eat tasty food and still have energy to perform well at work, school and in athletics.

Weight Loss Motivation Made Simple

Motivation and sticking to a fat loss diet is what people struggle with most. In human psychology, there is a multi-layered construct to habit building. 

Early stages of habit building include inspiration and motivation, as described in Evidence-Based Habit Building: Finally Get Sh*t Done

If you understand this concept of evidence-based habit building, the odds are good that you will develop habit and routine that will propel your fat loss and weight loss efforts to maximizing your chance of success. 

When you apply the principle of periodization for weight loss, you can enjoy tasty food, occasionally eat junk food and still reach your long term fat loss goals. 

Periodization simply means setting up periods of dieting over a set timeframe. This allows you to lose fat, keep or build muscle, stay motivated and energized and enjoy holidays and special occasions without guilt. 

Here is an example of a fat loss periodization timeframe:

January through March – Fat loss diet

April through May – Maintain and enjoy lower bodyweight

May through June – Fat loss diet

June through August – Maintain and enjoy even lower bodyweight 

August through October – Fat loss diet

November through December – Maintain and enjoy lowest bodyweight yet 

Implementing a fat loss plan that looks something like this allows you to build fat loss periods around holidays, vacations and special occasions. As such, you aren’t continuously dieting, feeling guilty and depriving yourself. 

This is a proven strategy that increases long-term weight loss success, keeps motivation high and reduces diet discomfort. 

Your Guide to Successful Fat Loss

Renaissance Diet 2.0 Book Image

The Renaissance Diet 2.0 is a book that goes into detail about diet periodization for fat loss, muscle building and athletic performance. It is not a fad diet, scam or sales pitch. It is an up-to-date, science-based text that explains evidence-based concepts in detail to maximize your odds of diet success.

Some of the topics discussed in the book include, but are not limited to:

·         Diet Priorities

·         Calorie Balance

·         Nutrition Periodization

·         Hunger Management

·         Designing Your Diet

·         Diet Fads and Fallacies 

Your Fat Loss Results 

No matter what your diet history, body composition, knowledge or experience, you can absolutely achieve your weight loss goals. 

To increase your odds of maximum fat loss, your goals should be:

·         Specific

·         Measurable

·         Attainable

·         Realistic

·         Time-bound

Then you’re ready to go!

You Make The Fat Loss Happen

However, it is important to understand up front that you have to apply these principles and strategies. Just knowing them is not enough. You also have to be okay with a slower rate of fat loss than may be desired. But that doesn’t mean that the results will not be noticeable. 

It is possible to lose one, two, three or even four or five pounds of bodyweight per week, especially when first starting a fat loss diet. Weightloss does stabilize and you can see rate of weight loss of a pound or so of pure bodyfat loss per week for weeks.

The end result may be as much as 12 – 20 pounds of fat loss over the course of a few months.

Weight Loss Scale
Once you’ve achieved that initial goal and you’re ready to go back to normal eating, you cruise at your new, lower bodyweight for a couple of months. Then, if you feel like you have more fat to lose, do another fat loss diet phase for a couple of months for another 10 or so pounds of pure fat loss

If you do this a few times over the course of a year or two, you can lose a significant amount of bodyweight, most of which could be bodyfat. 

It’s slower than a crash, restrictive diet but you can see consistent improvements in your appearance, confidence, energy and health. And you are far more likely to maintain your lower bodyweight for a very long time. 

The Esteemed Authors

The authors of the Renaissance Diet 2.0 are expert seasoned health and fitness coaches, PhD’s and scientists. They are athletes and live the lifestyle that they teach. The authors include Dr, Mike Israetel, Dr. James Hoffman, Dr. Melissa Davis, Dr. Jen Case. 

My Fat Loss Diet Book Recommendation 

Simply stated, The Renaissance Diet 2.0 is by far the most comprehensive, up-to-date text on diet structure and guidance that I’ve read to date. The motivation to design and execute a fat loss, muscle, building or athletic performance improvement alone is worth the read.

I’m not just recommending the book because I may receive a small commission if you purchase it through my Amazon links in this article. I truly believe in and back the information provided within and fully support the mission of the authors.

I could (and have) recommended other diet and exercise books and I put this on the top of my list when it comes to superior experts advice of this nature. 

Also Read

Powerful Fat Loss Principles Revealed: ACTS Model for Busy Professionals

7 Reasons Not To Skip Today's Workout

Overcome Self-Sabotage For Fat Loss Success

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