
Overcome Self-Sabotage For Fat Loss Success

Self-sabotage picture
Fat loss self -sabotage occurs when people consistently think of themselves as not able to succeed on their fat loss diet or exercise program.

 This may lead them to develop an identity that causes them to sabotage themselves every time they have a chance to succeed at fat loss. 

This is not a conscious activity, so it is very confusing to the person who has this problem. This often happens because of a pattern of thoughts or behaviors that solidify negative emotions and thought processes. 

In turn, some common thoughts reveal themselves:

  •  I'll start a fat loss diet or exercise program but I won't finish it.
  •  I'll always stop before I reach my fat loss goal. 
  •  I will never be successful at losing fat. 
  •  When things are going well, they will ultimately go bad. 
Do you ever think like this? If so, you're not alone. Lots of people do. This attitude can be changes. It'll take some work, but you can do it. 

Here’s how people succeed at fat loss:

  • They complete their fat loss diet or exercise plan. 
  • If they slip up on their diet, they don't punish themselves about it.
  • They learn from their mistakes and see the mistake as a learning experience. 
  • They take the time to notice and celebrate their fat loss milestones along the way.

Complete Your Fat Loss Diet or Exercise Program

One main way to identify a fat loss self-saboteur is that this person never completes diet or exercise program.

Self saboteurs get distracted or bored or even forget about their fat loss goals. They change exercise programs frequently and won't commit to a fat loss diet that actually works. 

renaissance diet 2.0 book cover
They're often motivated at the beginning but getting bored along the way. This has a negative impact on self-confidence. 

If this is a problem for you, counteract it by completing each phase of an effective fat loss program before changing up your plan. 

The simplicity of effective fat loss diet structuring is detailed in The Renaissance Diet 2.0:
Your Scientific Guide to Fat Loss, Muscle Gain and Performance

By far this is the most comprehensive, easily understood book on structuring nutrition for optimal fat loss and muscle building that I have read to date. 

Develop Willpower

Because of a lack of self-confidence, some fat loss dieters quit soon after starting their weight loss program. If you are a person who often quits in the middle of a fat loss diet, recognize that and remind yourself that you are able to persevere in the face of diet challenges.

People who successfully complete an effective fat loss diet typically believe in their own capabilities, overcome diet challenges, and refuse to quit. Every time you push through, complete your fat loss diet and reach your weight loss goals, your willpower and confidence becomes stronger.

 As you see yourself overcoming self-sabotage, you will begin to develop a more optimistic attitude and realize that you are able to achieve real fat loss success. 

Flexibility: Make the Most of the Best Tools

Ladder against wall picture
Did you ever hear the story about the guy who climbed all the way to the top of the ladder and then found it was perched against the wrong building? 

Do you know people like that? Are you one of them? It's possible that we all feel like we’re that person in some situations, especially when it comes to dieting. That's why flexibility is so important in our quest for successful fat loss.

Flexibility is the awareness that, even as a busy adult, you have options and the ability to use the most successful fat loss strategies available.

Call it rigidity or call it pride, but there's something in human nature that makes us continue in situations past when we should have given them up. We have a tendency to like to do things the way we’ve always done them, even if our efforts have been less than fruitful.  

Flexibility in your pursuit for fat loss includes being open minded about solutions to your fat loss challenges. This sometimes requires a person to trust fitness authorities, trainers or coaches to help establish the most effective fat loss plan.   

As you move toward developing your successful fat loss diet or exercise program, keep these points in mind to help ensure you achieve your weight loss goals. 

Required Reading:

Need Results Now? It's Time to Get Serious

Powerful Fat Loss Principles Revealed: ACTS Model for Busy Professionals

20 Diet Motivation Quotes and Easy Weight Loss Motivation Tips

*Please note that if you purchase the products from the Amazon links that I've included above, I may receive a small monetary commission. 

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