
Calories and Weight Loss: A Brief Discussion

For those who wish to lose body weight, increase their energy levels and achieve an enhanced overall level of health, sound nutritional practices are crucial. 

By monitoring the intake of nutrients and the type of foods that are consumed on a regular basis, dieters have the ability to control their fat loss.  

One way to achieve weight loss is through counting calories.  For those who ask, "what are calories?” here is a brief explanation:

Calories are a measurement of energy.  In terms of weight management, the number of calories consumed represents the amount of potential energy that can be provided to the body.  

Simply stated, when a person consumes more calories than the body needs or uses, the energy is stored in the form of body fat.  

When fewer calories than the body needs are consumed, the body goes into an energy deficit and uses stored body fat for energy.  One pound of fat is equal to approximately thirty-five hundred calories.  

Therefore, to lose one pound of fat, a person must create a caloric deficit of thirty-five hundred calories through diet and exercise. 

Along with regular exercise and the appropriate use of nutritional supplements, a prudent approach to nutrition through the use of  weight loss websites and a calorie counter,  those who desire fat loss will achieve the desired result and enhanced fat burning process through the use of the following tools. 

Low Calorie Diet

By consuming a diet that is low in calories, the body is forced to use body fat for energy.  By creating a daily caloric deficit, the dieter can experience regular, consistent fat loss.  Measuring calories is an important and simple way to achieve fast weight loss.  

Online Calorie Counter

It can be a challenge to find and understand calorie listings on product labels.  By using an online calorie counter, managing daily calorie intake is made easier.

Shopping List

By using a list to shop for groceries, the type and quantity of food for low calorie meals can be controlled.  As part of a weight management program, it is important to shop for foods that will enhance the metabolism.

Use of the above tools will aid the person seeking weight loss in their efforts.  It should be mentioned, however, that a fitness professional should be consulted before engaging in any fat loss program.  

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