
3 Surefire Ways to Increase Metabolism and Lose Weight Fast

Body weight scaleAm I too fat to lose weight fast? I've heard that question quite a few time over the years as a personal trainer and fitness coach

You may be surprised to learn that many people who are considered overweight or obese are concerned about being "too fat to lose weight fast." 

Well, never fear. It is possible to quickly lose weight, even if you're overweight or obese. 

Is Rapid Weight Loss Sustainable?

Quick weight loss is possible and sustainable if adherence to specific principles is achieved. A disciplined approach to exercise, diet and wise use of nutritional supplements can result in real, noticeable weight loss in a short period of time.

The following 3 quick fat loss tips can be used by anyone who wishes to achieve a lower body weight, reduce bloating through water retention and improve body composition by burning bodyfat.

Exercise Intensity

It should be no surprise that exercise is on the list of ways to quickly lose weight. The fact is, regular, intense exercise is required to boost the metabolism and force the body to burn stored bodyfat for energy. This is at the top of the list of the most effective fat loss strategies for improved appearance, health and longevity. 

As the heart rate is elevated during vigorous exercise, stored fatty acids are liberated from fat cells and used by the body for energy. 

Many traditional forms of long duration cardiovascular exercise have been said to be the most beneficial for burning bodyfat and losing weight fast.

Woman exercising intensely
However, there is evidence that short bouts of high intensity exercise combined with periods of relatively low intensity workout methods is superior to steady state cardiovascular workout programs.

This principle of high intensity interval training, or HIIT, is considered one of the best ways to burn bodyfat and lose weight faster than other forms of exercise.

One of the benefits of high intensity interval training is that is takes far less time than what was previously considered by fitness experts to be ideal for rapid weight loss. 

A HIIT workout as short as eight minutes can prove beneficial in enhancing the metabolism and burning fat. Additionally, the body’s fat burning process continues for hours after a high intensity workout.

Types of exercise programs that include resistance and specific forms of cardiovascular training certainly have their place in any fitness and weight loss plan. 

The key is to workout intensely, no matter what form of exercise is performed. Exercise that is challenging is most effective at burning bodyfat and reducing body weight.

Implement Fasting

Fasting is extremely popular because it is one of the fastest ways to lose weight. Of course, solid research using the most informative, easily-understood books and references is critical. 

Fasting is a nutritional technique that involves reducing or eliminating certain types of food from the diet for a specified period of time. 

Fasting allows the body to eliminate toxins, reduce waste and burn body fat through calorie restriction. There are several popular types of fasting that can be used for a variety of purposes.

Intermittent Fasting Time
Intermittent fasting is used by people who wish to lose weight rapidly, improve digestion and enhance general health. 

The primary principle behind intermittent fasting is completely eliminating all solid food sources for a specific period of time.

 A period of fasting is followed by eating normally to maintain steady metabolic function for fat burning and bodyweight reduction.

Liquid fasting is a technique that restricts all solid food but allows consumption of fluids, primarily water, for a set length of time. Although water is typically preferred as the primary source of liquid, other fluids such as broth and fruit and vegetable juice can be included in a liquid fast.

Supplement Wisely

There are many nutritional supplements on the market that claim to help burn bodyfat, reduce bloating and cause rapid weight loss. 

While many of these types of supplements fail to live up to expectations, some over-the-counter supplements are considered safe and effective.

Dietary supplements that contain high levels of caffeine and other stimulants should be avoided as they tend to increase resting heart rate and elevate blood pressure. 

The compounds included in these types of supplements are generally effective at burning bodyfat through the process of thermogenesis, but the risk of possible health concerns.

An alternative to expensive supplements that are potentially unhealthy are natural products that help reduce hunger, curb cravings and enhance the metabolism through safer means. Rapid weight loss and bodyfat reduction can be achieved without risk to health by supplementing wisely.

These 3 ways to increase the metabolism and lose weight fast can be implemented at any time during a fitness or wellness program to rapidly achieve a lower bodyweight.

Required Reading:

The Top Diet Books for Weight Loss: Your Path to a Healthier You

Powerful Fat Loss Principles Revealed: ACTS Model for Busy Professionals

Calories and Weight Loss: A Brief Discussion

*Please note that if you purchase the products from the Amazon links that I've included above, I may receive a small monetary commission. 

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