
Look Bigger and More Muscular: Get a Tan

The sunless tanning foam described in this review, available here at Amazon, provides the best, most natural looking tan to make the body look leaner and more muscular.

The most reliable way to build a lean, muscular physique is by adhering to a sound nutritional program and the most effective, science-based resistance training program that is specifically designed to enhance the size, thickness and density of muscle fibers.  

A long-term approach must be taken and realistic, time-oriented goals must be established to ensure that consistent progress is made toward a large, muscular body. 

For the hardcore muscle enthusiast, the above essential components of a bodybuilding lifestyle are a given.  However, sometimes it seems that muscle gains and fat loss is painfully slow. 

It can be hard to remain motivated and disciplined to engage in regular, intense workouts when progress seems to slow.  Sometimes all that is needed a just a little bit of evidence that the muscular system is responding to the gut-busting, all-out workouts and strict diet regimen.

Have you ever experienced your bodybuilding motivation level skyrocket when you noticed a vein in your upper arm that you’ve never seen or how your trapezius muscles look so full and developed that you can’t wait to get into the gym for another intense weight training session? 

That indication of fat burning and muscle hypertrophy has triggered something in your brain that reignites the desire to hit the weight room hard and build a leaner, more muscular body. 

It is possible to experience that renewed motivation through a simple technique that is guaranteed to make you look bigger and more muscular instantly. 

As I explained in the article Six Tips to Make Your Arms Look Bigger Instantly, a few tried-and-true strategies can be used to make the arms of the biceps and triceps look bigger.  One of the most sure-fire ways to make your arm muscles look bigger, along with the muscles of the chest, shoulders and back, is to create the illusion of a leaner body. 

A leaner body, with minimal amounts of fat tissue, creates an illusion that makes muscles look bigger than they actually are.

Professional bodybuilders with massively developed muscles use competition tan products to appear full and muscular under bright lights on the competition stage. 

Recreational bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts can take a lesson from competitive bodybuilders.  

While it is not necessary to artificially darken the color of the skin to drastic levels, applying a high quality self-tanning foam to the skin can instantly make the body look leaner and the muscles bigger and more developed. 

An Internet search for the best tanning products to make muscles look bigger will result in dozens of listings promoting self-tanning creams and lotions that will make the skin look naturally tan. 

While many legitimate online retailers sell tanning creams, consideration should be given to a few factors that will help you determine which self-tanning lotions are best to make the muscles of the arms, chest and shoulders bigger and more muscular.
The best tanning products will:
  • Be natural looking
  • Be odorless or have a pleasant fragrance
  • Will last for several days
  • Will not stain clothing or bedding
Sometimes an exhaustive search must be conducted to find out which self-tanners have the best reviews and which have the lowest prices.  

As with most personal beauty products, cheaper is not better when it comes to artificial tanning products.  Great consideration must be given to consumer ratings of skin tanning products as they are usually the best indication of value, appearance and price.  

After composing the article Six Tips to Make Your Arms Look Bigger Instantly, I conducted extensive research into the best skin tanning product for making the muscles look bigger and leaner. 

After reviewing prices, consumer reviews, ingredients and safety of numerous self-tanning products, I’ve determined that the best, most realistic looking, reasonably priced tanning product is Bondi Sands Liquid Gold Self Tanning Foam.

I personally prefer this Bondi Sands tanning foam over other self-tanning products on the market. The color looks like a real tan and it gradually fades with regular showering over a few days. 

Rather than exposing yourself to harmful sun radiation and tanning beds, consider purchasing a high quality sunless tanning foam like Bondi Sands Liquid Gold Self Tanning Foam.  It’s inexpensive, safe and natural-looking.

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