
Three of the Best Bodybuilding Books Ever Published: Build Your Mind, Build Your Body

The three information-packed, motivating bodybuilding books reviewed in this article:

Hardcore Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach
Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks

Regardless of what the naysayers tell you, it is possible to achieve a massively muscular physique without the use of steroids, human growth hormone injections and other so-called anabolic chemicals. 

Sometimes the only thing that stands between the frustrated hard-gainer and an awe-inspiring physique is education and experience.

Let’s be honest, our genes play a large part in determining the extent and ease of developing lean muscle tissue.  However, acquiring a little education in the sciences of human anatomy, kinesiology, and sports nutrition can yield huge results to the muscle enthusiast.

The pursuit of knowledge to help you develop the lean, muscular physique you desire can be a daunting undertaking.   Especially for novices, who can benefit most from applied exercise science studies, the availability of abundant, sometimes contradictory, resources can be overwhelming, leading to frustration and discouragement.

I am consistently impressed by the circle of muscle enthusiasts that I am surrounded with on a daily basis.  The level of strength and muscularity that these people possess and demonstrate day in and day out is mind-boggling. 

Every single one of them is drug-free and prescribes to the philosophy of continued self- improvement through study, program analysis and knowledge sharing.  None hold an advanced degree of any kind and every one of them are leaner and more muscular than most of the bodybuilders that I know who are juiced to the gills.  

Build Your Knowledge Base, Build Your Body

As a young muscle enthusiast I thought all that was required to build mounds of muscle tissue was to ingest a lot of calories and lift heavy weights.  While that approach in and of itself is not flawed, the fasted and easiest path to extreme muscle growth is more complicated.  

It wasn’t until I started reading the works of experienced, accomplished bodybuilders, scientists and sports nutritionists that I began to see immediate, measurable increases of muscle mass and strength.  
Below are a few pieces of literature that helped me the most throughout my journey through muscle enthusiasm. 

I have purchased and read many books, journals and magazines that have been absolutely worthless.  The texts that I list below are the best-of-the-best when it comes to sound information that can be applied to every lifestyle and can yield immediate, noticeable increases in lean muscle mass. 

In fact, much of the information that I’ve acquired over the years that is not common knowledge or the same-old, same-old in terms of rapid accumulation of muscle mass has been come from these texts.  

Hardcore Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach

Hardcore Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach was one of the first books that I took seriously when beginning my quest in search of a massively muscular physique. 

Author Dr.Fred Hatfield, also known as Dr. Squat in bodybuilding and powerlifting circles, outlines in eloquent and easily understood terms the factors that contribute to muscle mass, the unique nutritional requirements of hardcore bodybuilders, and exercise technique to maximize increases in lean muscle mass. 

I experienced some of my most intense workouts ever when following the guidelines of the ABC workout.   During the workouts I felt sensations deep in my muscles that I had never felt before.  I couldn’t help but think that I was stimulating explosive muscle growth through these workouts.  I was ecstatic when my shoulders, upper back and chest seemed to enlarge as if I was I had hit some kind of hypertrophic growth spurt.

Here is a description of Dr. Hatfield’s Hardcore Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach:

"If you're really into the great sport of bodybuilding, getting massively huge and 'shredded' is great. If you're an athlete from any other sport, getting as big as you need to be in order to improve your total sports performance capabilities is the name of the game. Dr. Hatfield has given you the ultimate bible of bodybuilding greatness." -- Tom Platz Two-time Mr. Universe.
Dr. Fred Hatfield, bodybuilding guru and bestselling author, brings together the latest advances in bodybuilding science in this comprehensive guide to achieving optimum gains in muscle mass and power through personalized nutrition and training programs.
Based on the premise that strength is the foundation upon which you can build the ultimate physique, Hatfield presents an innovative training system, using his state-of-the-art "ABC workouts" (muscle-specific, targeted-set, and holistic-set workouts).
Add the most up-to-date information available on nutrition and exercise technique to this highly personalized training system and you have a breakthrough program that guarantees explosive growth and strength--achieved naturally, without the use of drugs.
Get Hardcore Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach here (affiliate link). 

Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks

I packed on an enormous amount of body mass in a period of 7 weeks when I read and applied the Super Squats program to my workout routine.  

The Super Squats program could not be any simpler: ingest high quality food products and apply the principle of progressive resistance to one primary movement – the squat.  

While understanding the concept is easy, the actual workouts are not.  Performing the squat at the frequency and intensity that is required to pack on massive amounts of muscle tissue can bring even the most elite athletes to their knees. 

The key is to develop the body’s entire musculature and harness the power of the mind to execute each and every repetition of the squat.  

Super Squats provides powerful motivational guidance, back-to-basics nutritional requirements and an outline of one of the most effective workout programs for development mind-blowing muscle mass and explosive strength.  

I can personally attest to the results that are possible when the Super Squats program is properly implemented.  I gained such a profound amount of body mass that my shoulders, thighs and back could no longer be contained in my clothing. 

People that I worked with and saw on a regular basis asked me what my “secret” was.  Many were amazed at the simplicity of the program, but were not willing to subject their bodies to the grueling workouts that are required for such awe-inspiring growth.  

Here is an excerpt from Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks
Riding decades of success, this program has turned human toothpicks into stalwarts, and stalwarts into legends. After a few minutes under a squat bar, you will find out what you're made of: wussies hate it, hardies revel in it...the routine in this book is so tough that only the highly-motivated can handle it. Step up to the challenge of getting bigger and stronger, sans drugs, fancy equipment or food fads.
Get Super Squats: How to Gain 30 Pounds of Muscle in 6 Weeks using my Amazon affiliate link.

Anyone who is passionate about building a lean, muscular physique should consider purchasing, reading and applying the information contained on the pages of the above three texts.  They are among the best muscle building guides that are available. 

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